Elders at Jacksonville Baptist Church

Currently Serving Elders:
Duane Stephenson,
Matthew Bubar,
Tyler McHatten,
Guy Cheney,
Jonathan Jones,
Richard Reid
Aden Culberson
The Jacksonville Baptist Constitution
describes the Elders' responsibilities in this way:
The Elders Board – Provides Accountable Spiritual Leadership:
Has the authority and responsibility to oversee the mission and ministry through accountable leadership.
Is primarily responsible to declare and pursue the mission of the church.
Works with the pastoral team to accomplish the mission of Jacksonville Baptist Church (by leading, teaching, visioning).
Meets regularly with the pastors and periodically with the other leaders as deemed necessary for support, 2-way communication, and assistance as needed.
Carries out these responsibilities through the following 4 activities:
i. Prayer: as an example for the congregation and an expression of our need for dependance upon God, the true Head of the Church.
ii. Decisions: that help the Pastoral Staff to lead the church to establish its mission (Acts 15; 6: 2 – 5).
iii. Advising and Protecting: supporting the Pastors and other ministry leaders when criticized unfairly; and advise them when their own weaknesses or blindness lead them to poor decisions or actions. This includes establishing and maintaining two-way communication with the congregation.
iv. Monitoring:
The church’s ongoing spiritual condition;
The church’s essential doctrine (pulpit, Life Groups, other ministries);
The church’s essential direction (mission, values, vision, results);
The church’s pastoral leadership.
The work of the Elders (including how Elders are chosen) is done through policies, which are beliefs or values that guide how a Governing Board makes its decisions. The value of a policy approach is that it makes sure that the Board’s primary mission is always “ends” related (Matthew 28: 19– 20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8).
Qualifications of Elders: The Elders shall be men who are recognized servants of the church, whose qualifications are clearly set forth in Scripture (I Timothy 3:1 – 7 and Titus 1: 6– 9) and detailed in our Guidelines Manual.
The Elders shall recommend a pulpit committee to the church as the need arises.